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fit for Injection pump Head rotor lsuzu C240

Вид техники: Багги

fit for Injection pump Head rotor lsuzu C240
for Rotor Head Mitsubishi 6D20
for Rotor Head Mitsubishi 6D16T
for Rotor Head Mitsubishi 6D15
for Rotor Head Mitsubishi 4G94
for Injection pump Head rotor lsuzu 4LE2

CZE sandy DY
sandy at china-lutong
Material: Made of high quality stainless steel, durable and resistant to damage.
100% test before leaving the factory, using sealed packaging to ensure product safety and stability.
Using vacuum hardening technology, the product quality is robust, standard size, easy to install and adjust.
Reduce co2 emissions, reduce noise, improve fuel economy, better reliability and stability.
3-5 days of delivery of stock goods.