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Sandy Li Li
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Add: Xinhan Industrial Zone, Hanjiang District, Pu, м.Адмиралтейская на карте

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MIMS Automechanika 2024 Russia

Вид техники: Вездеходы

MIMS Automechanika 2024 Russia
E/ma/il:sandy at china-lutong dot net JUIN dy sandy
Common problems for customers:
1. Is this accessory new?
A: We are manufacturers, so each product can be guaranteed to be a new product assembled in person.
2. How can I be sure the correct injector for my vehicle?

A: There is the model number on the injector body, please check or take a photo and send it to us.
3. What if I can't use it?
A: If you can't install successfully, there is no reason to return the replacement.
4. Delivery period
A: If we have stock, we will ship it in 1-3 days. It will not exceed the delivery date at the latest.