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sandy Li
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Add: Xinhan Industrial Zone, Hanjiang District, Pu, м.Адмиралтейская на карте

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Common Rail Nozzle DLLA148P1717

Вид техники: Багги

Common Rail Nozzle DLLA148P1717
Common Rail Nozzle DLLA148P1688
Common Rail Nozzle DLLA148P1671
E/ma/il:sandy at china-lutong dot net OTT-
dyWe serve our customers in a courteous and professional manner.In pursuit of excellence,we also establish an efficient logistics and reaction system.We ensure that all the questions could be answered in the shortest time with satisfaction,all the products be delivery in stipulated frame of time.In general,we are not only producing our products,but also provide the full after-sale service and complete solution.
our main Products:
-common rail injector and parts
- head rotors
- injectors
- nozzles
- diesel pump plunger ( element)
- d.valves
- control valves
- VE pump, CR pump, injection pump
- supply pumps,feed pumps
- pump repair kits
- cam plate
- test bench,tools,testers

№ 8647529, Размещено 24 ноября
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